Have you ever wondered if you have animal spirit guides? The short answer is, yes!
Everyone has animal spirit guides, it’s a matter of becoming aware of them and building the relationship.

Let me help you understand who your animal spirit guides are, how to connect with them and build a trusting relationship. Animal Spirit Guides are different than other spirit guides, they require the building of trust much like a wild animal.

Animal Spirit Guides can help you meet the challenges and lessons you assigned yourself before coming into this human experience by sharing their greatest gifts they themselves have.

In your session I will connect with your animal spirit guides through my animal spirit guides and I can channel them to share with you who they are and how they can help you. I will also lead you through a meditation that will help you connect directly to them, and I will share with you best practices on building your relationship.

Please understand this is not a psychic reading, no future or past questions will be answered, if this is what you are looking for please book one of my psychic or past life readings.


  • Animal Spirit Guide Consult - 45 minutes $85

Readings are done on zoom, you will receive an email with the link and instructions




*DISCLAIMER: The readings provided by Jannese Rojas are for guidance only. What you decide to do, including any actions you take with the information that she gives you, is based on your own personal responsibility and choice. All readings and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. Legally, readings are for entertainment purposes only. This service is not intended to address any medical, emotional, and/or legal issues. You should, therefore, consult a medical care, mental health care or legal professional for any physical, emotional and/or legal issues that need professional attention. Jannese has the right to refuse service at her sole discretion.

In the event that an accurate psychic or mediumship connection is not made within the first ten minutes of the reading, Jannese Rojas will provide you with a full refund. Only in this situation will a full refund be returned to the purchaser.

PAYMENT: That your appointment will not be considered confirmed until payment is received and therefore may be booked by another client. Payment must be received to consider appointment reserved. All purchases are final. No refunds.  

(Please make payment on Venmo @jannese-rojas )

*You will be asked to sign a waiver form with this content before your reading.