Salamanca Witch Loose Incense (self-combusting)

Salamanca Witch Loose Incense (self-combusting)


The incense is made in ceremony by hand, purified and charged. This is loose incense that can be directly lit no charcoal needed. In a fire proof container or dish add a flat surface of either salt, sand or ash, then make a small pile of the incense, and light it.

Salamanca is a city in Spain where my ancestors are from and there is a legend there that in the Salamanca cave Witches learned magic from the devil at night. Now Salamanca is synonymous with witchcraft all throughout Latin America and parts of Europe.

This incense was made with herbs native to Europe to honor my ancestors.

Use for : protection, purification, clearing, healing, love, warding negative energy, divination, prophetic dreams, moon magic, conjuring Spirits, astral projection, exorcism, memory, ward of nightmares, peace

Deities: Artemis, Ceres, Hecate, Mercury, Persephone, Hera, Belili, Belinus, Venus, Thor, Juno, Kerridwen, Mars, Aradia, Isis, Jupiter

Elements: Water, Earth, Fire

Incense is made with the following organic herbs:

White Willow bark




0.25oz tin of powdered herbs

Tin is recyclable or reusable.

Please burn incense in a well-ventilated space.


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